>Photo Gallery
Down load your photos from your camera
Crop, adjust lighting and resize photos
E-mail photos
Print photos
Make a slide show that will play on a TV
>Windows Media Player
Play, copy, download and manage music
>Windows Media Center
Play music, watch DVDs, watch TV
>Internet Explorer
>Windows Mail and Contacts
Save received photos
Send photos
>Windows Calendar
Computer Techniques
Manage your desktop
Create, arrange and delete icons
Create folders
Handle display, screen savers, resolution
Quick launch and wallpaper
Learn good file management
Use an external hard drive
(Jump drive, thumb)
Cut, copy, paste and use short cuts
Manipulate windows
Burn CDs & DVDs
Use Snippet
Backup and Restore Files
Use disk cleanup and defrag
Understand spy ware and virus protection
System Restore
>Windows Messenger